As of September 8, there are 659 political prisoners in Belarus. Right now, as you read this text, their number could grow. What does this number mean?
Our common goal is for all political prisoners to be released. We need to show solidarity. Please, we also ask you to support 78 political prisoners with children and help their families financially.
- 659 is 336 more political prisoners than five months ago
- 659 is thousands of children who do not see dad or mom. In some cases, both parents
- 659 is twice the number of security officials awarded in August last year
- 659 are people who are tortured in jail and correctional facilities
- 659 is the weekly excess mortality in Belarus from March 2020 to March 2021 (Cyberpartisan data)
- 659 is the official number of political prisoners. In fact, there are many more
- 659 is not just a number! There is a person behind each of them with his dreams, goals, plans, sadness and pain, family, loved ones, and children.
Our common goal is for all political prisoners to be released. We need to show solidarity. Please, we also ask you to support 78 political prisoners with children and help their families financially.