Why is it important to help political prisoners? Answers from their family members

The main activity of "A Country to Live in" foundation is assistance to political prisoners and their families. Today they themselves told why it is important *.
(*The names of political prisoners' relatives have been changed for security reasons)


I didn’t work for 4 months after my dismissal. Now I got a job, but the salary is only 400 rubles so far. Volunteers help with the programs, but I want to broadcast the programs myself. This is important for my husband!


Without your help, we cannot survive with our income. My son is a student. He studies on a paid basis. Two grandchildren of minors were left on my mother's small salary. Parcels, parcels, transfers to a political prisoner - all these expenses are unaffordable for our family.


Material assistance is needed in our case to repay the prisoner's loans. While he was at large, he paid for them himself. Now, in order not to arrest property for delays, it is required to repay these loans. Mom is a pensioner. I (brother) also cannot close this issue. Plus a lawyer's fee. So far, thanks to the help, it is possible to close the issue with a lawyer, but on the last payment, it is not yet clear about the help. Food, travel to the pre-trial detention center are the same.


I need help. As I am a mother of many children, I myself am raising three more children. It isn't easy to provide for the family and collect parcels, carry them to the son. And now the courts are being held in Brest, because of this, too, very high costs.


The families of political prisoners need help like air. And this is not because they took away the breadwinner, someone dear, but because you feel that a piece of your heart has been ripped out. But we must continue to live and fight, at least for the sake of those who are there now ...
I will not complain. For almost 8 months, I, and not only me but even those people and families who did not suffer, have been watching how a huge “We” is born from the Belarusian “I.” Belarusians can now rightfully be called a nation, "We" - as a single heart now. We are hurting together now. But there is already “We,” and it’s not so scary anymore.
And such a fund as "A Country to Live in" helps this huge OUR HEART beat! 

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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families