Political prisoners in Belarus
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"A Country to Live in" Foundation
was created to help Belarusian political prisoners and their families, as well as to support activists. The aim of activities is to help people inside Belarus
Our Mission Statement:

An unprecedented wave of repression swept over Belarus in 2020. The lawlessness has not stopped to this day. The human rights organizations in Belarus could not cope with the increased load of assistance to Belarusians who had suffered from violence and arbitrariness. Besides, the physical presence of foundations and NGOs in Belarus became impossible - the regime started to destroy public organizations beyond its control. In these conditions, human rights organizations moved their activities abroad. Also, new organizations were created abroad to help Belarusians. One of them is the fund "A Country to Live in". 

Hundreds of thousands of Belarusians have left the country today, tens of thousands have gone through torture and abuse in isolation centers, and more than one and a half thousand have imprisoned for political reasons. More than a dozen people died because of the actions of law enforcers.

Our Foundation is engaged in human rights activities. We help the families of political prisoners and all Belarusians whose rights have been violated by the actions of the repressive regime existing in Belarus.

The mission of the "A Country to Live in" Foundation is to ensure that the victims of the criminal regime receive the necessary support, that human rights are respected in Belarus, and that all political prisoners return home. First of all, our Foundation assists vulnerable groups of the population.

Until the last political prisoner is released, we cannot stop our activities.

Our work in figures


  • 43,400 Еuros were paid to the families of political prisoners under the "Family Friend" program.
  • 37,800 Еuros paid to families of political prisoners.
  • 228 children of political prisoners packed for school for the amount of 26,571 Еuros.
  • Transfers worth 19,000 euros were made to political prisoners in pre-trial detention centers. 
  • 256 families received financial aid for Children's Day, total 26,500 Euros.
  • 290 children received more than 400 gifts for the New Year. 
  • 754 hours of therapy with a psychologist were provided to 133 applicants.


  • 27 families received regular financial support. 
  • 24 children of activists, political prisoners, and strike participants participated in a cultural exchange program.
  • More than 200 hours of free therapy with a psychologist were provided to people in need.
  • A shelter for refugees from Ukraine operated in Warsaw.


  • 216,747 Еuros were received by families of political prisoners. Throughout 2021, we regularly supported between 27 and 98 families with monthly payments of 300 euros.
  • 87,751 Еuros were transferred to 286 Belarusan volunteers and activists.
  • 6 tons of groceries were given to political prisoners.
  • 140 children of political prisoners were packed for school.
  • 221 children of political prisoners received presents for the New Year.
  • 6 493 Еuros were received by refugees and repressed people in 5 months of 2021. 
  • Shelter in Vilnius worked for three months for Belarusians fleeing from persecution, and 17 people lived there.
  • Shelter in Belastok worked for four months, and 28 people received temporary housing. 
  • 150 Belarusians were provided with legal assistance 
  • 470 Belarusians received visa support.
  • 200 mothers of our heroes received flowers for Mother's Day. 
  • More than 50 lectures were held in 20 cities of Belarus on the subject of "Self-Governance".
  • More than 500 people were trained under the Foundation's programs.


  • 23,640 Еuros were paid to 77 volunteers.
  • 9320 Еuros were paid to the families of 31 political prisoners. 
  • Parcels for 250 Еuros were sent to political prisoners.
  • Shelters for political refugees were opened in Poland and Lithuania.


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