Foundation volunteer is in prison
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"A Country to Live in" foundation
was created to support political
prisoners and and activities
to build a democratic society

 About us
In 2020, the people of Belarus chose in favor of democracy and genuine
democracy, rejecting lies and dictatorship. Repression was the answer for all of us.

Hundreds of thousands of Belarusians left the country today, tens of thousands passed through
torture and humiliation in detention centers, and more than a thousand are imprisoned
for political reasons. More than a dozen people died due to the actions of the security forces.

Today, our Foundation stands at the forefront of the fight against dictatorship and
assists Belarusian political prisoners.
Family friend solidarity program
Family friend solidarity program
Friends, "A Country to Live in" foundation continues to look for options to support political prisoners and their families amid growing repressions. And we ask everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of political prisoners to participate in the solidarity program and take families under guardianship.
Assistance to families of political prisoners
Assistance to families of political prisoners
One-time financial assistance to the families of political prisoners and their families, ensuring through the Foundation's media channels constant public attention to their problems.
Medical Expenses Compensation
Medical Expenses Compensation
The project provides assistance to political prisoners and their relatives who have serious illnesses requiring medical treatment and care.
Information security project of "A Country to Live in" Foundation together with the APIRA initiative. Rules of life in Belarus today.