Help pay for the parcels to political prisoners

In this section, you can help political prisoners illegally deprived of the opportunity to live normally and see their relatives and friends. These people gave everything for the sake of our freedom with you and continue to defend their position even within the walls of correctional colonies and pre-trial detention centers.

The conditions of detention there are close to medieval ones and do not correspond to modern European standards and official Belarusian ones. Within the walls of the pre-trial detention center, political prisoners are subjected to moral and physical violence. They are tortured by lack of sleep, walking in the fresh air, and normal food.

In such conditions, the least we can do is support the families of political prisoners and transfer food by forming programs.

How exactly can you help?
  • We collect information about the conditions of detention and the possibility of release. We keep in touch with each of the prisoners and their families. This is a long and laborious process, and it can take a long time before release.
  • One real opportunity to help right now is to provide prisoners with basic food and supplies. The prison diet lacks vitamins, fruits, meat, people get sick.

Support the foundation
How do you want to help:
50 75 100 250 500
Payment via PayPal to the foundation account