51 years since the birth of Vitold Ashurоk

Today would be 51 years old Vitold Ashurk - a Belarusian from Berezovka in the Grodno region.

He died and most likely was killed in May of this year in IK No. 17. The details and cause of death are still not known for sure. Relatives were not given some personal belongings, such as the diary, which Vitold mentioned in his letters.

It is only clear that he died within the walls of the colony.

In a typical legal state, this penal colony's management and ordinary employees would have already been condemned, and the people heading the penitentiary system would, at best, retire.

In a normal country, Vitold Ashurok, like thousands of other Belarusians, would not have ended up in prison at all. Instead, he and other political prisoners are guilty only of wanting a change in power and having the courage to openly express their position.

Unfortunately, Belarus today is a country that is infinitely far from normalcy.

We want to once again remind people in uniform about responsibility. Lukashenka will not last forever. Justice is inevitable.
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