Volunteer Anton Stashevsky - “not a hero, just a person who helps build a country to live in”

On July 9, it became known about the detention of volunteers of the "Country for Life" foundation. These people ended up behind bars not for crimes but for the desire and opportunity to help political prisoners.

Today we will tell you about Anton Stashevsky as he said about himself, "not a hero, just a person who helps build a country to live in."

Maria Moroz, head of "A Country to Live in" foundation. "A person is ready to risk his life for the sake of saving others, and absolutely free of charge."

"Anton is a delightful person. He looks short, an ordinary guy, but with a big heart. I met him while collecting signatures {for Svetlana Tikhanovskaya}. I was surprised at his kindness, faith in good, and desire to do as much as possible. He was ready to do everything for days. I was even more surprised when I found out that he was a volunteer in the search and rescue squad "Angel." A person is ready to risk his life for the sake of saving others and absolutely free.

My soul is torn to pieces. There is no law in Belarus. But why would political prisoners be given a criminal offense for food? He didn't do anything else. He's so harmless and humane. "

Pavel Zhurik, an employee of "A Country to Live in" foundation.

"Always positive. At any time of the day or night, Anton could break loose to go to save people. But, instead, energy hits him over the edge."

Marina Garbuz, an employee of "A Country to Live in" foundation.
 "He\ is a man with a big kind soul and a powerful core."

"Anton is lovely, caring, attentive, and super friendly. He was in the "Angel" for about 5 years and helped both of us in "A Country to Live in," When necessary, he went to the forests, swamps to look for people. I remember how we were collecting signatures, and then Anton gets up and says that grandmother or some child is lost. Then, he jumped into the car and drove away. Or, on the contrary, when he received a message that a man had been found, he was pleased about it, as if someone from his family had been rescued from the forest. Anton is a man with a big, kind soul and a powerful core.

He has a wonderful family, wife, two children. 8 years old son and daughter 5 years old. Antoshka lives with his family in a dormitory, in a simple room, imagine a family of 4 people, in one room and Anton, who always needs to save everyone, help, warm, shelter ... But, the most important thing is that his family is his support, they are all there is the best and most understanding.

Olga Pavlova, an activist of "A Country to Live in"."We all see what is happening in our streets in Belarus.”

Anton is a very versatile person; he is a good techie and well-versed in everything. This is such a rare quality when a person has a childish curiosity, when something is interesting, like it, and is sure to understand it right to be conscientious.

Of course, Olga, his wife, was very afraid for him, but Anton protected her and tried not to disturb her with any dangerous news, subtleties, or details. But, of course, we all see what is happening on our streets in Belarus. But Anton said that it could happen that fo would not be around for a while always asked not to be afraid and not worry about him because there is a goal and you need to go to it. He is wonderful, and our political prisoners are the best people who need to be valued and cherished and not rotted and tortured in prisons."

Every day there are more and more Belarusians, real heroes in prisons. Lukashenka's regime is insatiable - it demands more and more sacrifices. It is in our power to stop this violence and arbitrariness. Every one in his place, let's do everything we can to win. Little strokes fell great oaks.

Would you please support our volunteer with letters? This is especially important for political prisoners.
Anton Alexandrovich Stashevsky, 03/26/1980. SIZO-1, 220030, Minsk, st. Volodarsky, 2.

You can also order a transfer for political prisoners online on our website.
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families