How justice doesn't work in Belarus

On June 19, the Law of Belarus of May 26, 2021, No. 112-З "On Amendments to the Codes on Criminal Liability, Amendments to the Criminal Code," came into force.

The regime of detention in pre-trial detention centers is very strict and comparable to the conditions of imprisonment. Therefore, from a legal point of view, it is absolutely reasonable for a separate category of convicts to count one day of detention as 1.5 days of imprisonment.

Such changes mean that in all pending cases, decisions must be made to bring sentences in line with the law. Unfortunately, most convicts, including those under "political" articles, belong precisely to this category. And they should have already been released.

BUT the "judicial" system is designed so that the "judges" have no time to make decisions so that hundreds of people were released and hugged their relatives. They do not have enough time for this. It is more important to plant more and "rivet" obviously unjust sentences.

People with no conscience, do you have any idea what an extra day in prison is like? Or do you think that this will never affect you? Remember, you still have to serve time for passing your sentences.

If you need legal assistance - send us an application using the link.
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