Do Belarusians need "A Country to Live in" foundation

"A Country to Live in" Foundation is a team of like-minded people united by the desire to win the democratic forces and establish a truly rule-of-law state in Belarus.

The most important milestone on this path is helping political prisoners and members of their families, those people who especially suffer from the dictatorial regime today. This is our main task.

Friends, very soon, "A Country to Live in" Foundation will be one year old.

Our team is already preparing for this event. We summarize, analyze our work and ask you to share your opinion.
  • How do you assess the work of the Fund?
  • Were support actions such as "Gifts for the New Year," "Children's Day," "Help to get the child of a political prisoner to school," "Flowers for Mom," ​​and others helpful?
  • Have you participated in these promotions?  If so, in what format did you like everything?
  • Perhaps you were involved in our educational projects, share your impression of them.
  • Have you received or continue to receive financial assistance from the Fund? Tell us why this is important.
  • The Foundation supported the work of a shelter in Poland, where Belarusians who fled from the regime lived. If you were among the tenants, write your review.
  • Food and material aid provided by the Foundation's volunteers - how useful it was.
Please tell us about your vision for the development of the Fund, what support programs you are missing. You can write to our chatbot. It is safe.
Support the foundation
How do you want to help:
50 75 100 250 500
Payment via PayPal to the foundation account
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families