Family friend solidarity program

Solidarity program Family friend.

Friends, "A Country to Live in" Foundation continues to look for options to support political prisoners and their families with children amid growing repressions. The Family friend solidarity program is a continuation of the project on monthly material support for the families of political prisoners.

What is the essence of the new project?

Families with children are under the care of the Foundation, and they receive 300 euros a month. This support is calculated for 12 months from the first payment date. After that, the next one from the already formed queue is taken in place of this family.

But what is the first family to do? It needs support because the regime still holds their loved ones captive. This is where the Family friend solidarity program is needed.

Who can become a Family friend?

A family friend is a person from any part of the world who wants to help a family of political prisoners. At the same time, he does not have contact with these people, or there are difficulties transferring money from abroad to Belarus. In this case, a Family friend takes care of a family from our list for one of the proposed periods (3, 6, 9, or 12 months) and provides them with financial support through the Foundation.

Friends, be the very person who, albeit for a while, will become the closest friend of one of the families of political prisoners.

Read more about the program and become a Family friend here.
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How do you want to help:
50 75 100 250 500
Payment via PayPal to the foundation account
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families