Update on Sergey Yeremeyev

The Basmanny Court in Moscow has extended the detention of Belarusian Sergey Yeremeyev until July 30. He was arrested on December 7 last year and accused of train bombings on the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). In legal terms, he is charged with committing two particularly serious crimes under Part 2 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "Terrorist Act." Sergey Yeremeyev faces a prison sentence of 12 to 20 years, with an additional 1 to 2 years of restricted freedom.

According to the explanation Sergey Yeremeyev gave during a court hearing in Omsk after his arrest, he intended to paralyze the movement of military cargo on the railway.

"I wrote in my explanation that ammunition is currently being transported via BAM... The main goal was to obstruct the movement," he stated at the time.

In the initial months after his arrest, Sergey Yeremeyev was denied access to an independent lawyer. However, the blockade has now been broken, and he can meet with the hired lawyer and build his defense strategy.

Sergey Yeremeyev is a 52-year-old resident of Novopolotsk, unmarried, with two young children. In 2020, he participated in a strike at "Naftan," after which he was fired from the company.

Please support Sergey Viktorovich Yeremeyev in prison. He is counting on our solidarity!

Letters can be sent to the following address:
111020, Moscow, Lefortovsky Val St., 5, Pre-trial Detention Center No. 2.
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