A Holidays for Children of Political Prisoners in Romania

The "Humanitarian Ambulance Service" and Association of Belarusians in America with the support of the Office of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, is organizing holidays in Romania for children of political prisoners.

This initiative was proposed by the Romanian side following a meeting with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, during which she requested support for families of detainees with children. Teenagers aged 10 to 14 can rest in the camp if they belong to one of the following groups:
  • children of political prisoners;
  • children of former political prisoners;
  • children of political activists (provided that their parents have multiple children).
Another mandatory condition is the requirement to fill out a form via the provided link.

Important conditions include also legal status in the European Union (Lithuania or Poland) and valid travel documents.

Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously participated in other holidays programs under the auspices of the "Humanitarian Ambulance Service". 

"The camp will take place in the second half of September."

This is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in a different environment, relax, connect with children from other countries, exchange cultural experiences, and gain positive emotions before the new school year.

Hurry up and submit your application for the holidays. The number of spots is limited. Two groups of 10 children each will be formed (Belarusian refugees in Poland and Lithuania). 

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Helps political prisoners and their families