Anton Stashevsky — more than three years behind bars

Anton Stashevsky is a volunteer for "A Country to Live in" foundation and the "Angel" search squad.

He was arrested in July 2021. The reason was that Anton, along with other volunteers, was preparing and sending care packages to political prisoners in detention. The authorities wanted to stop the wave of solidarity. These arrests were the first in a series of persecutions of volunteers and concerned Belarusians who communicated with political prisoners. Later, they began to target those who simply wrote letters to the imprisoned. The culmination of this process was perhaps the large-scale operation conducted by the KGB in January of this year.

Anton Stashevsky was initially suspected of "financing an extremist group," but in court, he faced a different, absurd charge — "conspiracy to seize state power unconstitutionally." Judge Dina Kuchuk found Anton Stashevsky guilty and sentenced him to eight years in a high-security prison.

According to other political prisoners, Anton endured harsh conditions in pre-trial detention — he didn’t receive letters from his family, and prison guards denied him visits with his wife for nine months. Despite this, he maintained his optimism and actively supported other inmates. People say Anton Stashevsky has a heightened sense of justice. It’s exactly these kinds of Belarusians that the dictator fears.

Anton Stashevsky is currently held in a correctional colony in Mogilev. His wife and children are waiting for him to return to freedom. Please write a letter to this activist and volunteer. You can use the letter bank for assistance.

Even though it’s a small chance, your letter might reach its recipient. However, please remember to prioritize your safety.

Address for letters: IK No. 15, 213105, Mogilev, PO Box Veyno, Slavgorod Highway, 183.
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families