Ilya Mironov: "It is important to speak so that the stories of political prisoners are not lost in silence"

Ilya Mironov talks about caring for political prisoner Aliaksandr Birulia as part of the information campaign of our Foundation and the Dissidentby initiative "Until All are free."

"I chose Aliaksandr Birulia because I believe it is important to talk as much as possible about non-media individuals. In Belarus, there are many political prisoners whom few people know about. I strive to draw attention to their stories. I believe that everyone deserves a fair trial and respect for their rights.

Caring for political prisoners is not just an act of compassion; it is a moral and political duty. These people are deprived of freedom for their beliefs and positions. It is important to remember that they are people whose rights are violated, whose families suffer, and whose voices must be heard. Caring for them is a contribution to the fight for justice, democracy, and human rights in Belarus.

I try to draw attention to Aliaksandr Birulia's case through social media and interviews so that his story becomes known. I also interact with human rights organizations to ensure he has access to necessary legal aid and support.

In the future, I plan to continue informing about Aliaksandr Birulia's situation and calling for his release. I am also ready to support his family and provide all possible assistance in this difficult situation.

We must remember those who fight for freedom in Belarus. It is important to talk about them so that their stories do not get lost in silence.

In addition to drawing attention to his case, there are other ways to support Aliaksandr Birulia and his family:
  • Letters:
Letters from people around the world can be a symbol of solidarity and hope for Aliaksandr Birulia.
Letters can contain words of support, stories about how the political prisoner's story inspires, or simply wishes for health and strength.

Letters can be sent to the address:

Correctional Colony No. 9
Gorki, Dobrolyubova St., 16,
Don't forget to specify the recipient's name - Aliaksandr Vladimirovich Birulia.
  • Financial support:
Donations can be made to funds that support political prisoners and their families in Belarus.
Information about such funds can be found on the websites of human rights organizations, for example.
  • Spreading information:
Share information about Aliaksandr Birulia's situation on social networks, forums, with friends and acquaintances.
Tell his story, his views, and why he ended up in prison.

Draw attention to his case so that his name is not forgotten, and his story becomes known to as many people as possible.
  • Support for human rights organizations:
Support the work of human rights organizations that monitor the situation of political prisoners in Belarus. Join their ranks, make donations, or simply follow their work.
  • Attending protest actions:
Participate in protest actions held in support of political prisoners in Belarus.

Your voice and your personal participation can become an important part of the movement for freedom and justice.

Your support can make a significant difference for Aliaksandr Birulia and for others who suffer under the Lukashenko regime in Belarus.

Freedom for Aliaksandr Birulia! Freedom for all political prisoners!"

Aliaksandr Birulia is a political prisoner sentenced to 6 years in prison under four articles of the Criminal Code.

Ilya Mironov is a civil activist, human rights defender, and former political prisoner in forced exile. He has written over 3000 solidarity letters to political prisoners.
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families