Music festival in support of children of political prisoners

On June 1st in Warsaw, a charitable festival of extraordinary Belarusian music will take place. On the International Day for the Protection of Children, the music community Belarus Outside Sound System, which supports Belarusian genre-blending artists in emigration and draws attention to social-political issues in Belarus, invites everyone interested to join a live listening session featuring 14 Belarusian performers. Donations collected during the festival will be redirected to support the children of Belarusian political prisoners - relatives can apply for help until May 19 inclusive.
  • The collected donations will be redirected to the "Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service" project, which this year is organizing a traditional action to support the children of political prisoners. An allowance of 100 euros will be paid for each child under the age of 16. Applications will be accepted until May 19 inclusive. To get help, you need to fill out the form.
Among the artists of the charitable festival are Sveta Ben and Sergey Navitski in their new electronic project WTBSK. Also, Anastasia Rydleuskaya, Sergey Pukst with his project Georgiy Dobro, Hanna Zhdanava, Domsun, PocketRave, and Syntrig. DJ sets will be performed by Papa Bo Selektah, Schmoltz, Kornej, Eye-Q, Scarlett, and Uhead. Additionally, vinyl records with rave compilations by Belarusian electronic producers will be presented at the festival.

In gratitude for such a lineup of performers, the organizers of Belarus Outside Sound System ask attendees to donate for the children of Belarusian political prisoners. The most generous donors will receive a unique vinyl as a gift. 

We call on all willing individuals to join the collection in support of the children of political prisoners, as well as to come to the festival. The gathering place on June 1st is at the Kwadrat Praski space.

The "Emergency Humanitarian Aid Serviceincludes BYSOL Fund and A Country to Live in FoundationPublic campaign BY_HelpDissidentby InitiativeAssociation of Belarusian Business Abroad, Association of Belarusians in America, "Talaka" organisation also joined the action. 
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How do you want to help:
50 75 100 250 500
Payment via PayPal to the foundation account
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families