Guardian of mother and daughter Glinkskich, Nasta Bazar: "I believe it's important to support everyone"

Nasta Bazar, the guardian of political prisoners Inny and Valerii Glinkskaya, talks about her participation in a joint informational campaign by our foundation and the initiative in support of political prisoners titled "Untill All are Free". 

"I didn't choose political prisoners. They offered, and I agreed. I am ready to support everyone, which I do in my daily life, considering my resources and capabilities.

Because it's important to support everyone. We may have different values, and our paths may never cross in life outside of a dictatorship, but political imprisonment is an injustice that shouldn't exist and that unites us.
For me, it is important that people in prison know they are remembered and awaited in freedom. We need to tell others about them so that political prisoners are not just a number - 'more than 1500,' but individuals, each with their own life, experience, interests, and desires».

Inna and Valeria Glinkskaya – mother and daughter who worked at MTBank, with Inna Glinkskaya holding a managerial position there. The mother and daughter were convicted for providing information to the "Black Book of Belarus" under three articles of the Criminal Code: Part 3 of Article 130 ("Incitement to Other Social Hatred"), Part 3 of Article 203-1 ("Illegal Actions Regarding Information about Private Life and Personal Data"), and Article 352 ("Unauthorized Access to Computer Information"). The case involved five victims - police officers and a judge. One of them, Liliana Zhilenkova, an employee of the Partizansky District Police Department of Minsk, complained in court that after the data was disclosed, unknown persons allegedly sent threats to her and her family. Inna and Valeria Glinkskaya were sentenced to 7 (mother) and 6.5 (daughter) years in a general regime colony.

Nasta Bazar is a Belarusian feminist and civil activist. She advocates for the rights of women and children, the LGBTQ community, and other vulnerable groups.
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