Report on the "Children's Charity Fundraiser" and Gratitude from the Children of Political Prisoners

Friends, the team of The Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service is summarizing the final results of the charitable summer fundraiser for the children of political prisoners.

This year, the traditional children's campaign is organized by the project "Humanitarian Ambulance Service," which includes BYSOL Fund and A Country to Live in FoundationPublic campaign BY_HelpDissidentby InitiativeAssociation of Belarusian Business Abroad and Association of Belarusians in America also joined the action. 

Thanks to the caring Belarusians, we managed to raise almost 32 thousand euros! On the BYSOL platform, we recorded donations from 246 people. Thank you so much - from The Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service and on behalf of the children of political prisoners!

We are also grateful for the charity festival in Warsaw, @belarusoutsidesoundsystem, which featured 14 artists and raised nearly 1700 euros for the benefit of the children. We also thank the Belarusian Association in Denmark "Talaka". Their contribution amounted to more than a thousand euros!

A total of 250 children of political prisoners received assistance. The funds raised for them will go towards:
  • excursions, trips, travels, summer camps;
  • educational clubs for chess, drawing, and more;
  • sports sections: swimming, tennis, football;
  • equipment for games: balls, sneakers, scooters, bicycles, rollerblades, brushes, drawing pads. Everything to make the summer unforgettable for the children.
After collecting and transferring the funds to the children of political prisoners (each of the 250 children received 100 euros), The Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service had 6,842 euros remaining. This money will go towards the next "Children's Fundraiser," which will help prepare the children of political prisoners for school.

We invite you to join this campaign, and soon The Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service will publish the details of its implementation.
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families