"A Country to Live in" foundation activity report for April-June 2024

The second quarter of 2024 was a busy one for “A Country to Live in” foundation. During the reporting period, we assisted 139 people (not including financial assistance). The main support from the Foundation was received by relatives of political prisoners. Read more about the areas of help below.

Our team of psychologists:
  • Provides assistance to 43 people. Among them are 17 people who have received primary consultations, as well as 26 people who continue therapy from the previous reporting period.
The most common problems we encountered were: depressive state, increased anxiety, fear of the future, lack of motivation to continue living, adaptation difficulties, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, confusion, stress due to family destruction.

Legal assistance:
  • Number of applications from citizens (mainly relatives of political prisoners): 46.
  • Number of applications from partner NGOs: 3.
  • Consultations provided: 46.
  • Documents prepared: 5.
Most common questions: appealing court decisions on administrative cases for receiving assistance from the INeedHelpBY initiative, international protection status in Poland, selling real estate in Belarus, restricting parental rights, qualifying criminal offenses, obtaining documents for legalization in Poland.

Migration assistance:
  • Number of applications: 42.
Main questions: Lithuania's refusal to grant asylum (due to insufficient grounds, threat to national security), obtaining visas/residence permits on humanitarian grounds, issuing a foreign citizen's passport when the Belarusian passport has expired, collecting evidence to obtain international protection.

In addition, we have established partnerships with new organizations working in the field of migration.

Financial assistance:
  • Assistance was provided in the amount of 8,890 euros.
  • Funds were spent on medical assistance in the amount of 2,500 euros.
  • Under the Family  Friend solidarity program: 3,390 euros.
  • One-time payments amounted to: 1,800 euros.
  • In addition, we provided parcels (transfers) in the amount of 1,200 euros.
Within the framework of the information security project - "Digital Support: Security Together", the technical support team considered 43 requests, provided 38 consultations, and 15 people went through a full cycle of device cleaning.

The most common requests were related to cleaning the phone before crossing the border / returning home, visiting the Investigative Committee, the Department of Internal Affairs, etc.

In addition, the Foundation's team, together with the People's Embassies of Belarus, presented the project "Voice Across Borders: Intercontinental Relay Race in Support of Belarus" at the conference of Belarusians in Prague.

The Humanitarian Ambulance Service, which includes the BYSOL and A Country to Live in foundations, the Public campaign BY_Help and Dissidentby Initiative announced the establishment of an  launched a shelter in Vilnius, Lithuania. It will be able to house former political prisoners, families of political prisoners, and political activists. Let us remind you that the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service, with the support of volunteers, ensures the functioning and operation of shelters for Belarusian refugees in two more countries and three cities of the world: Sakartvelo (Batumi), Poland (Wrocław and Warsaw).  

We acted as information partners within the framework of the "Week against Torture", a cycle of educational events aimed at drawing attention to the ongoing bullying of detained and imprisoned Belarusians.

The head of the Foundation, Volha Zazulinskaya, as a speaker, took part in the Belarusian Political Prisoners' Congress, which was held in Prague. In addition, she spoke in the Lithuanian Seimas, where she informed the deputies about the state of affairs with political prisoners in Belarus and ways to help them.

We urge everyone who is not indifferent to support our work! Remember: do this safely only if you are outside of Belarus.Together we can do more!
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families