SDJ Telegram Channel and "A Country to Live in" foundation recognized as extremist

What does this mean for us?

In a way, this is a recognition of the work of the Foundation's team from the security forces. In the conditions of a dictatorship, the defeat of independent media, human rights defenders, and the entire civil society, sooner or later, all significant platforms with an alternative point of view will be banned. Therefore, to be there today is an honor for us.

We continue our work to keep you informed, to help political prisoners and their families! We won't give up, and we won't stop.

What does this mean for our subscribers and readers?

Keep reading, but be careful with reposts. Responsibility can come for them. However, do not be captivated by illusions. If the Belarusian Leviathan wants to devour you, he will do it. Legally or not. In addition, the law today in our country is like a rod. So, in general, keep your cool and guerrilla savvy.

Friends, we continue to fight, all together. Sergey Tikhanovsky is proud of us! Long live Belarus!
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families