78 families with children need support and solidarity of Belarusians

September charity for families of political prisoners.
  • The required fee is 23,400 euros.
  • The goal is to help 78 families with children whose relatives have come under the direct blow of repression.

Families are under the care of  "A Country to Live in" foundation, to whom we have been helping every month (for more than six months). But, unfortunately, it is becoming more and more difficult to do this because the repression does not stop, and the number of those in need is only increasing. In addition, "A Country to Live in" foundation and our volunteers themselves were directly hit by the regime:
  • Attack on our advertising accounts and blocking fundraising
  • Detention of Foundation volunteers who formed products for the programs (now you can only collect the parcel online)
  • Recognition of our Telegram channel as extremist

Friends, despite all this, we can handle it! These are just temporary difficulties; it is in our power to overcome them. All together! And the main thing is not to leave political prisoners with children without the help of a family.

Support HERE, reports on our activities HERE.
Support the foundation
How do you want to help:
50 75 100 250 500
Payment via PayPal to the foundation account
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families