"I am sitting in captivity without greetings from relatives and friends..."

"Сижу в неволе без привета
От родных и близких лиц
Не вижу утра, дня и ночи,
Забыл про душ и крепкий сон
Взамен зато уютный карцер
Ведро с водою и бетон"

These lines were written by the political prisoner, energy engineer from Minsk Sergei Sakovets. His story is similar to hundreds of others: he received a day, and from the day he went to Volodarsky according to the already popular 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Before his arrest, Sergei was actively involved in sports, wrote poetry, and maintained his blog on Instagram for 15,000 subscribers. His mother, girlfriend, and beloved cat Athena are waiting for Sergei at home.

In the pre-trial detention center, the political prisoner reads many books, learns English, and tries to do physical exercises. He draws pictures for his cellmates, their wives, and their children.

Friends say that Sergei is holding on well, but punishment cells and other hardships still make themselves felt - the support of other people is critical to him!

You can send warm words to Sergey Sakovets at:
SIZO-1, 220030, Minsk, st.  Volodarsky, 2.

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