A look from across the ocean to events in Belarus

The New Yorker magazine published an article, "An Accidental Revolutionary Who Lead the Uprising in Belarus."

It offers the American reader a detailed retrospective look at 2020-2021 in our country. It tells about their reasons and the significance that they have for the life of Belarusians and Belarus.

The main character of the material, as you might guess, is Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, a symbol of the protest movement. However, in addition to her quotes, the article also contains stories of other direct participants in the 2020 election campaign, opinions of analysts, experts, and journalists.

Perhaps, even a Belarusian reader, deeply immersed in the context of what is happening, can find something new for himself. For example, the reflections of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya at the time of the forced departure from the country on August 10, or the details of how Sergei Tikhanovsky perceived the nomination of his wife for the role of a candidate in the elections.

The article's author, Dexter Filkins, does not seek to make predictions or make value judgments. Probably, it is in his detachment from what is happening that the main advantage of the article is. The history of the Belarusian Revolution is not over, and it is too early to dot the I in it. Despite the involvement of large countries in the change of power in Belarus, the Belarusian people became the catalyst for the protest. We should become the primary beneficiary when the process of power change is over.

Ultimately, we write our future and the future of our country. So let's not forget this.
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