"I want to tell a poem that my mother wrote"

Political prisoner Antonina Konovalova, sentenced to five and a half years in prison, wrote a poem in captivity.  She dedicated it to her children - Vanya and Nastya, whom she had not seen for a year and a half.

All this time, the children live with their grandmother. Finally, in September 2020, she left Belarus with her grandchildren, fearing that the guardianship authorities could take the children away.

Antonina Konovalova's husband, Sergei Yaroshevich, is also imprisoned. He is imprisoned for five and a half years.  Antonina and Sergei are recognized as political prisoners.

This autumn, Vanya went to Poland in the first class. Nastya goes to kindergarten. They gradually adapt to life in another country make new friends but miss their mom and dad very much. Parents keep in touch with them through letters. Antonina often sends drawings. And now she dedicated to the children a funny poem about a magical creature - Babuka, who needs to find his home.

 Где живет Бабука

Медведь живет в берлоге,
Собака - в конуре.
И очень-очень многие
Живут в своей норе.

Бобриный домик - хатка,
У филина - дупло,
Конюшня у лошадки
Там сухо и тепло.

И даже бабка-ежка
Имеет угол свой.
Избу на курьих ножках
С крылечком и трубой

А где живет Бабука?
Никто не замечал.
Она ко мне без стука
Приходит по ночам.

То шаркает чуть слышно,
То дверцами скрипит,
То занавеской дышит,
Пакетами шуршит.

Бабука, дорогая,
Иди к себе домой.
Прости, что я не знаю,
Какой он - домик твой.

А может быть ты тоже,
Не знаешь где пожить?
Так мы тебе поможем,
Давай с тобой дружить.

Мы выкопаем нору,
А сверху - конура.
А может будет впору
Гнездо как у орла.

Построю завтра утром
Я замок из песка.
Уйдет туда Бабука
И будет крепко спать.

Friends, if it is in your power, become a Friend of the Konovalov family. The children of Antonia and Sergei need your support and help to get through these terrible times.

Today, "A Country to Live in" foundation cares about 80 families of political prisoners with children. We provide assistance to them throughout the year, after which we take new families under our care. For those who found themselves without support, there is our program "Friend of the Family".You can choose a family that has lost a breadwinner and assist it at any period of time. 

Let's help the families of those who are at the forefront of the fight against the dictatorship.
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A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families