“Attack on horizontal solidarity.” What will happen to the people and help for political prisoners?
“Attack on horizontal solidarity.” What will happen to the people and help for political prisoners?
<strong>229 people were persecuted by law enforcement officers during raids at the end of January. A raid on political prisoners and their close ones was carried out by 174 investigators. At 9 of February, human rights defenders gathered in Warsaw to share details of the raids. Olga Zazulinskaya, the head of the "A Country to Live in" Fund, participated in the press conference.</strong><br /><br />  
The war has begun.
Гэтыя словы слыннага паэта Францішка Багушэвича, прамоўленыя больш за 130 год таму, актуальныя і сёння.
If you are a taxpayer in Lithuania and you have the opportunity to choose where exactly to send 1.2% of your taxes.
From the correspondence of “A Country to Live in” foundation.
What's new on the Polaris course.
We present the results of our work for the first month of the year.
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families