Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will speak at the Belarusian Political Prisoners' Congress as the wife of a prisoner
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will speak at the Belarusian Political Prisoners' Congress as the wife of a prisoner
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will address the Belarusian Political Prisoners' Congress, which will be held in Prague from May 23 to 25. She will not speak as the elected leader of democratic Belarus, but rather as a representative of the families of political prisoners. Olga Zazulinskaya, head of the "A country to Live in" foundation, will also participate in Panel Discussion No. 3, "Challenges Faced by Relatives of Political Prisoners."
Volha Zazulinskaya will speak in the Parliament of Lithuania
Volha Zazulinskaya will speak in the Parliament of Lithuania
The head of "A Country to Lie in" Foundation will talk about the situation with political prisoners in Belarus and providing assistance to them.
The last news from Siarhei Tsikhanouski was received exactly one year ago - on March 9, 2023. Since then, he has not been in contact with either his lawyers or his close relatives.
Belarusian human rights defenders, united in the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service, continue their attempts to reach Sergey Eremeev. According to the latest information, the Belarusian accused of sabotaging two trains in Buryatia is being held in pre-trial detention center "Lefortovo" in Moscow.
International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8, has a long and interesting history. This holiday, which today is associated with flowers, gifts and congratulations, should actually remind us of the struggle with which it began. Including the fight with flowers in the hands of Belarusian women, which is not over either for us or for the world.
Every screenshot, photo, or comment you left can lead to criminal prosecution and even the arrest of people who simply helped or were with you in difficult life situations. Please take care of yourself and them!
Four leading organizations unite to create the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service to enhance the quality and effectiveness of support for victims of political repression in Belarus.
It became known about the detention in Serbia of music video and advertising director, journalist and one of the founders of the Free Association of Athletes SOS BY Andrei Gnet. He faces extradition to Belarus.
Olga Gorbunova, guardian of political prisoner Galina Derbysh, talks about participating in the joint information campaign of our Foundation and the initiative in support of political prisoners “Until All Are Free.”
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families