Vasil Bykov's Birthday
Vasil Bykov's Birthday
June 19 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous Belarusian writer, Vasil Bykau.
Young European Ambassador on Belarusian Political Prisoners: "Seeing a Person, Life, Fate, and Path to Protest"
Young European Ambassador on Belarusian Political Prisoners: "Seeing a Person, Life, Fate, and Path to Protest"
Alina Kharisova, a young European ambassador and political activist, talks about her participation in the information campaign of our Foundation and the Dissidentby initiative "Until All are free."
On June 1st in Warsaw, a charitable festival of extraordinary Belarusian music will take place.
We respond to perhaps the most common question that people come to the legal team of "A Country to Live in" foundation with.
Where did we send the funds received as a result of the "We Сare" solidarity marathon.
On May 8th, in Poland, after a prolonged illness, Belarusian Dzmitry Bareichuk passed away.
Anna Kravchenko talks about the patronage of political prisoner Anna Pyshnik as part of the information campaign of our Foundation and the Dissidentby initiative "Until All are free."
The Congress on the issues of Political Prisoners will be held in Prague on May 23-25.
Valer Ruselik talks about Mikola Dziadok.
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families