Minsk Forum in Warsaw
Minsk Forum in Warsaw
The fact of such a geographic paradox, unfortunately, is not surprising. It is no longer necessary to explain to the Europeans why representatives of the democratic community cannot gather in the capital of Belarus today.
A year since the murder of Roman Bondarenko
A year since the murder of Roman Bondarenko
A year has passed since the terrible events at the "Square of Changes" (the Minsk courtyard, which received this name due to the active civic position of local residents).
Since May 29 last year, blogger and businessman Sergey Tikhanovsky has been imprisoned. More than 10 months ago, he was arrested in Grodno after a performance with a strange woman and a couple of police officers. We suggest that you once again recall the story of Sergei.
We have already talked about the Kastus Kalinovsky scholarship program - an alternative for students expelled from Belarusian universities for their civic position. This is helpful to our compatriots who cannot study in their native country because of their political views.
May 29, 2020, was the last day when Belarusians had the opportunity to freely approach Sergey and take a photo with a blogger who quickly gained popularity for his courage and desire for truth. We are grateful for the questions you left to Sergey, and we hasten to share his answers from the conclusion.
“It seems to shorten the distance between me and my husband,” the wife of Vladimir Neronsky talks about why it is important to help the families of political prisoners.
Happy birthday to the political prisoners born in April. Hundreds of Belarusians are still languishing in prisons across the country. Our task is to free them. We believe, we can, we will win!
With the informational support of "A Country to Live in" foundation, the 5th edition of "Real News" was prepared. A truthful and uncensored story about the events in Belarus.
An expert in the area of public administration and international development, Master of Economics Alisa Ryzhychenko talks about the sacred Belarusian "five hundred".
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families