Vladimir Neronsky got married in the IC
Vladimir Neronsky got married in the IC
We learned about the registration of an official marriage between political prisoner Vladimir Neronsky and his common-law wife Marina.
Financial report on the work of the Fund in October 2021
Financial report on the work of the Fund in October 2021
"A Country to Live in" Foundation team expresses gratitude for the financial and informational support to all who are not indifferent!
UN Human Rights Council experts demand the release of Sergei Tikhanovsky
UN Human Rights Council experts demand the release of Sergei Tikhanovsky
The UN working group came to the conclusion that the Belarusian authorities violated the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Belarus is a party.
Marina Nikandrina, a lawyer with the "A Country to Live in" foundation, continues the project “Let's back to the legal track.” This time we will talk about the contractual recruitment system in Belarus.
A new option has appeared on our site. You can now sign up for a recurring donation payment. This means that 1, 5, 10 euros (or any amount you choose) will be debited from your account every month.
"A Country to Live in" foundation receives many requests for filing declarations with the tax office. People are afraid that the regime is looking for and finishing off those who are objectionable to the system. Is this so, the Foundation lawyer Marina Nikandrina tried to figure out.
Gleb Anikevich worked in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a specialist in fire and security alarm systems. In August 2020, he witnessed the atrocities of people in uniform on the streets of Minsk. After that, his family faced harassment from the investigating authorities. Gleb fled the country with his family and now, being safe, is ready to share his story.
Every year Belstat publishes a report on the work of all state-owned enterprises. Alisa Ryzhychenko, an expert in public administration and international development, Master of Economics, studied this report closely and came to disappointing conclusions.
Summing up the work of "A Country to Live in" fund for the week (March 22-28).
The Belarusian people continue to fight for freedom and independence. It is in your power to help with this.
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families