Results of the work of "A Country to Live in" foundation for the week (September 27 - October 3)
Results of the work of "A Country to Live in" foundation for the week (September 27 - October 3)
We are summing up the results of the work of "A Country to Live in" foundation for the week (September 27 - October 3).
Happy birthday to those who celebrated October. Part 1
Happy birthday to those who celebrated October. Part 1
Happy birthday to political prisoners born in October. Hundreds of Belarusians are still languishing in prisons across the country. Our task is to free them.
"A Country to Live in" Foundation has launched the "Self-Government" project, within which we will produce training videos, conduct online training, and also meet with you in your cities with lectures on self-government. Together we will learn to draw up an appeal, write complaints and petitions to make our yards, districts, cities, and Belarus better!
2020 turned the life of Yuri Kosach, who became a refugee. Yuri fully experienced the horrors of the Belarusian penitentiary system, which began to work in all its terrible power in August 2020.
We present to Your attention a detailed financial report on the work of the Fund in January 2021.
The lawyer of “A Country to Live in” fund Marina Nikandrina tells what to do to the detained Belarusians' relatives. Where to go and how to behave with government officials
"Letters, TV, and rare walks." Sergei Tikhanovsky talks about his daily routine in custody.
We present to your attention the detailed financial report on the Foundation work in December 2020.
Marina Nikandrina, a lawyer from the "Country for Life" Foundation, talks about possible forms of detention and gives recommendations on how to behave during and after detention to minimize the consequences.
A Country to Live in foundation
Helps political prisoners and their families